The Revolution in Telecommunication Networks

AQSACOM now delivers ALIS, its Lawful Cyber Interception System, to virtualized network function architectures.

AQSACOM delivers ALIS, its Lawful Cyber Intelligence System, to virtualized network function architectures. Network Functions  Virtualization (NFV) essentially decouples an infrastructure-based service from the physical assets on which that service operates. As such, a service is not strictly associated with any physical asset.


Instead, the service is described in a data structure and exists entirely in a software abstraction layer reproducing the service on any physical resource running the virtualized software. The life cycle, identity, location, and configuration attributes of the service exists in software with APIs (application programming interfaces), thereby unlocking the full potential of automated provisioning.

AQSACOM’s virtualized solutions is deployed as a software-based solution. It can be readily integrated into any virtualized network. AQSACOM’s virtualization’s main goals are:

AQSACOM takes an evolutionary approach to its implementation of its solutions over virtualized networking environments. This matches carrier strategies as they likewise evolve their networks to virtualized function architectures.

AQSACOM’s virtualized offerings allow rapid customization, the development of new features, flexible settings, and complete operational transparency while readily interacting with other, third-party software

AQSACOM’s virtualized offerings allow rapid customization, the development of new features, flexible settings, and complete operational transparency while readily interacting with other, third-party software.

Platform Virtualization Overview

Figure 1 provides an overall summary of the merits of NFV. Of note, are the riding of a diversity of Virtual Network Functions, implemented in software, over virtualized compute, storage, and networking facilities. These virtualized facilities, in turn, operate upon physical “bare metal” compute, storage, and networking assets owned by one or more infrastructure service providers. These assets can even be shared. For example, if one service provider finds that its physical computing facilities are stressed due to excessive loading, another service provider’s underutilized compute facilities could be made available to the first provider. Asset utilization is improved with this arrangement, reducing costs by eliminating unnecessary capital investment and the resulting operational costs of maintaining underutilized hardware.

Classical Network Appliance Approach

Cyber Intelligence

Orchestrated, Automatic & Remote Install

As indicated in Figure 1, a wide range of network functions can be shifted to a virtualized environment. AQSACOM considers Lawful Interception (LI) as one of many network functions, now in a new setting.